Category: Uncategorized


Christmas 2022 Reflection demonstrating the existence of God

God exists – as this Christmas letter demonstrates Dear Reader, You want me to prove God’s existence in four pages? But what about the full book I have written on the topic? What exactly are you trying to say to me? OK! I concede that it may be an impossible ask to get some people...


Dare to Speak: addressing our cultural crisis (29 Nov 2022)

  (29 Nov 2022, @CCL, Dublin 2) Today, I would like to consider the nature of our modern problems, why these are happening now and pointing out what we can do about making things better. Crisis is a widely used word these days. In recent memory we had a banking crisis or financial crash, and...


What exactly is woke?

In his new book Dare To Speak! author Mark Hamilton comprehensively answers the question ‘What is woke?” and explains why woke culture should be of interest to everyone. A must read for any freedom-loving  wishing to understand our fast-changing culture.  Advance orders now by emailing Cover text: All public spaces have become intensely politicised...


2022: a year to take back control

At a time when traditional democratic freedoms are in question across Western societies, the Nobel Committee chose to award the 2021 Peace Prize to two journalists for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression. Over the past decade, Maria Ressa, CEO of a digital media company, has tirelessly documented the authoritarian nature of the Philippines...


The Gospels are History Chapter 3 extract: A kidnapping ordeal

Gospels Book SOWhat BOOK_PRINT (1) 19‘ ‘I wish to report a kidnapping.’ Peter began his letter to the two major national newspapers. John will be proud of me, he thought, as he penned the letter, smiling across at the folder where he had stored all of John’s correspondence from last year. I do really need...


The Gospels Are History – Introduction and Contents Page

Introduction ‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.’ Isaac Newton’s famous reflection testifies to our great dependence on previous generations. Keenly aware of the religious wisdom he has accumulated during his life, John seeks to alert his young mentee and friend, Peter, to the riches contained in the...


Covid, vaccines and conscience

Covid, vaccines and conscience This personal reflection was prompted on hearing of a highly principled individual seriously suffering the ill effects of Covid. Whether you get a vaccine or not is your business. If you decide not to do so, then it should be for well-considered reasons. I hope this article can be understood in...


NCCA consultation on Junior Cycle SPHE/RSE

The NCCA has produced a draft specification for SPHE/RSE at Junior Cycle. See It has invited feedback – this is open until November 5th, 2021. Following on a range of issues discussed in ‘Our School Is Catholic – So What?’, some teachers sought my view on the NCCA document. I am publishing this for...


Does Catholic education matter?

The nation’s children have now settled back into the new school year, with Covid seemingly conquered for now. The challenge now on everyone’s lips in the Munster region is one of ‘catch up’. Numeracy and literacy standards are not what they should be, and our schools are expected to respond. This pressure is particularly experienced...


Book Club – Our School is Catholic

Following the launch on 23 September readers are invited to join a Book Club to discuss the book chapter by chapter. The So What Book Club will be held on zoom and will feature inputs from a variety of people with backgrounds in education. All readers will be invited to contribute. The Club will meet...

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